The number of patients with heart failure has increased in the last 30 years. Not treated, heart failure can quickly lead to serious complications.
Prevention is an act of public responsibility that reduces the number of sick people and the social cost of health for the whole community. This goal is also leading French Centre COSEM Auber to carry out prevention and act through regular patient campaigns, free, and open to all.
As part of the « Heart week » (semaine du cœur), the COSEM organised cardiovascular prevention days in 3 of its centers. The events were scheduled for 24th and will repeat again on the 26th September.
A questionnaire was submitted to those wishing to evaluate their cardiovascular risk, in particular, their risk of heart failure, and peripheral artery disease (PAD).
Over two days they are expecting to have about 450 patients altogether visiting them to have their ankle brachial index (ABI) measured. The ABI measurement is crucial for early diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial disease. The measurement is painless and only takes a few minutes with the MESI ABPI device. It is hence achievable to detect and take care of PAD as early as possible to avoid or at least reduce the possible serious consequences of this pathology.
The COSEM (Coordination des Œuvres Sociales et Médicales) is a health association created almost 75 years ago. To date, the COSEM counts 6 medical centers within Paris and 700 medical and dental doctors. They see close to 2 millions patients per year.