The Healthy Arteries Campaign is available to any organisation that wishes to participate.

The Healthy Arteries Campaign aims to promote awareness and timely diagnosis of PAD by supporting active measurements of the Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) for everyone in the risk group.

The critical campaign platform is the website, which will have a similar template in every participating country with a separate local domain name.

Local websites are focused on patients, providing them with local information about the healthcare providers performing ABI measurements and awareness-building events. Each country has its own domain with a localised name and logo as well as localised materials.

The campaign has a set of patient educational materials crafted with care and revised with the feedback of members of the Slovenian Cardiovascular Health Association. These marketing materials are reviewed and localised specifically for each country.

The Healthy Arteries Campaign is run by the company MESI Ltd.

MESI will engage in a wide variety of activities to promote awareness about PAD and become a globally recognised establishment.

By becoming a partner of the Healthy Arteries Campaign, you will get the following benefits:

  • You’ll become eligible to run the Healthy Arteries Campaign in your country.
  • You’ll receive the Project Workbook describing recommended campaign steps.
  • You’ll get a localised website with editorial access to post your events and articles.
  • As part of the website, you’ll get the option to manage the country map of ABI measurement providers.
  • You’ll get localised patient educational materials to help you educate patients and the general public.
  • You’ll have the support of a Healthy Arteries Project Manager who will help you set up the campaign.
  • You’ll reap the benefits of being linked to the global website.

Read more about:

Other details, such as recommended activities for the campaign, available promotional materials and partnership fees are available below.

Start the Healthy Arteries Campaign in your country, region or community!